Thursday, 4 July 2013

Day 3

So here we are, Day 3 in the bus lane ;)

Got a lift from Des this morning up to work, and the day went very well.

I locked up, alarmed, and left work at 4.30pm - 10 minutes later than yesterday - and trekked to the Post Office to post work mail.  I was huffing and puffing a little, thanks to the postman at work totally buggering me this afternoon.

By that, I mean he brought our mail, and then returned minutes later with 3 big fat parcels addressed to me at home, which under normal circumstances (i.e. me having a car) wouldn't have been a problem......and I do like this arrangement we have *usually* I smiled and said thank you and took the 3 big fat parcels off him, not daring to jeopardise our recent arrangement which is still being nurtured by saying 'Actually, could you take them to my house as I don't have my car and will have to carry these 3 big fat parcels home'.

One of the downsides of being brought up to be polite and not upset others. 

So, today I left work at 4.30pm, with my eye on the 16.59 bus home, and huffed and puffed carrying these parcels to the Post Office to do the work mail.  Oh, and did I mention they sell wine? ;) Double oh, and they also sell sausages?

Ignoring the spasms in my lower back, I walked the 5 minutes to the bus stop.  Now followers.....I believe that my harsh email to the Snail Entertainment Bureau yesterday has led to the removal of Sidney the Snail from the Vertlap fence opposite the bus stop, and his subsequent placement in the local Retirement Home for Snails.  I have to admit I missed him and the way he could stay perfectly still for a full 18 minutes.  Now that's a skill.

I, however, was hopping from foot to foot with my aching back, and sorely tempted to have a swig of wine as it was a screw-top.....oh.....did I mention I bought one out of politeness from the Post Office?!

Update: the neighbouring house, No.75 (I think, but can't be certain) still has all curtains drawn.  I was just crossing myself  (although I'm not of that particular religion) when a young man emerged from the front door of said house. 

I was quite relieved, I can tell you, that said young male was not wearing a stripy sweater and carrying a sack over his shoulder with the word 'Swag' emblazoned upon it.  I have far too much excitement in my life as it is.  I watched him intently as he put some rubbish in the wheelie bin down the drive and then nonchalantly walked back into the house.  So, my conclusions now are - either somebody *has* died (crosses self again although haven't a clue why) or they are a family of vampires and fear the sunlight.  Apart from the young male of course, obviously he was a visitor and not a member of the Vampire Family.  I know this or the sun would have scorched his soul and he would have combusted right there on the drive on his way to the wheelie bin and turned into a pile of black dust.

Their neighbours pulled up in their car.....I was quite excited for a moment that they were going to offer me a lift home having seen me standing forlornly at the bus stop with my bags and 3 big fat parcels....but no, they appeared to live there, and a man, woman, and child disembarked from said vehicle.  Now, I'm not being catty, as that's not my style....but the woman was wearing shorts and I swear her knees hadn't made contact with each other in quite a while.  Bow-legged?  She wouldn't have been able to stop a runaway pig.

Obviously I resisted the urge to call across at her and ask 'Hey - bandy one!  Has somebody died?' as, I think I mentioned this earlier, I have been brought up to be polite and not upset others.

The bus arrives - incredibly bang on 16.59 - I stick my hand out defiantly as though I mean business if he doesn't deem to stop.  He indicates to pull in at the bus stop, so I gather my several bags, including the one with the 3 big fat parcels. (Thanks again, Mr Postman).

The bus is actually quite full, which it isn't usually, as it is usually quite empty. I pay and select a seat, only to realise I am on the Bus of Lost Souls.  By this, I mean that if you were to imagine a bus full of lost souls with one empty seat.....that was the bus I got on.  And couldn't wait to get off again.  Never have I seen such a plethora of life's wastrels (new word? English dictionary people - look that one up whilst you're looking up 'figetingly' from yesterday) and strays.  It was like the Bus of the Forgotten.

I avoided eye-contact and stared into the middle distance, pretending I was invisible to my surroundings.

After my stop, I hope the remaining occupants of the bus found their way to where they needed to be.

I have triple-locked all of my doors and windows, for no particular reason.

And I will probably have nightmares tonight about the bus that carries the lost souls......eeeeeek!!!!!


Unknown said...

Perhaps the occupants of the house are students...... or..... space cadets?
Find out more tomorrow....Wonder if you should investigate the contents of the wheelie bin?

kathrynruthd said...

Ok...I thought I was done for when I read what the postman did to you but then you made the comment about the pig and the bandy legs and I nearly died laughing. I am now going to find a tissue to dry my eyes!

Rob said...

Tashia blog=Guaranteed smiles and laughter!

I'm pleased to see you're doing the right thing, and purchasing the wine!

As for those lost souls on your bus, maybe they're on a never-ending journey of streets and cities, always wanting to get off, but never quite plucking up the courage to do so!

Julian Hall said...

*lmao* re postman.. for same reason as Kathryn! :-) Perhaps the young man is a neighbour/relative asked to water plants while the owners are away? Either that or an estate agent selling off the estate? Door #1 hopefully :)

Anonymous said...

Taking the bus is never easy :)