Good day at work, lots and lots of people on site today, meaning lots of tea and coffee making for me, as we wouldn't want any of the workforce to start slacking due to dehydration now!
Locked up and left at around 16.40 today, and walked to the local Post Office, having been buggered by 3 jacket potatoes this afternoon. My boss will often buy a packet of four, have one, then give me the other three. Hence, I was lugging these along with me to the Post Office.
En route, I heard a bus coming up alongside me, and instinctively stepped further away from the kerb in case the driver recognised me and *accidentally mounted the kerb, having lost control of the vehicle - a tragic accident* and mowed me down.
I reached the Post Office, with no upper-support worries whatsoever as I had more support than the other day, indeed things seemed quite under control, which was good, as I prefer to choose to do Zumba, not the other way around.
I was quite excited to see my friend Christine's car parked outside the Post Office/shop, as for a moment I thought she might be finishing at 5pm and if I was really, really nice to her, I could get a lift home. My heart sank as I saw Christine working away in the Post Office....i.e. she didn't finish there until 5.30pm, hence no hope of a lift. Undeterred, I we exchanged a cheery wave, as good friends do, lift or no lift.
After purchasing some essential everyday items *cough*, I trudged through the exhausting heat to the bus stop. Following my now usual routine, I placed my bags on the ground and checked my mobile for the time, and then checked the punched-in timetable for the next bus due.
I couldn't believe my luck! Finally......Lady Luck was smiling at me.....the next bus was due......right this minute!!!!!!!!!
Doubting this, and feeling quite giddy at the very thought, I didn't hold my breath. But within 30 seconds here it came, that familiar blue and orange vision, trundling over the hill towards me. And, I am not at all embarrassed to say this, when I saw the bus I squealed out loud 'It's coming!'
This evening has been the best experience ever, having left work at 16.40 and getting home at 17.10......just half an hour door to door!!!!!!! Gold Stars all round ;)
No traumas, no odd-looking passengers staring at me and chewing nasty buzzing insects, no star from Harry Potter....bliss.
Am very impressed!
And, I do believe I deserve a Good Bus Day for once! ;)
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What a day, getting buggered by those potatoes!
I think I shall also step a bit back when I see my bus coming..have to keep in one piece!
Sending more gold stars for you :)
Always good to not have to wait too long for a bus..I hope I'm as lucky tomorrow!
Buggered by three potatoes?? *falls about laughing* Does your boss not know they keep? Mind you free grub for you can't be bad :)
Is "essential everyday items" code or wine? Lol!
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